I woke up this morning upset about the election. Then I calmed myself and thought about it for some time. My conclusion is pretty much your closing sentence here, moral and intellectual reform are clearly needed in this country. Also, because of that conclusion, I feel very alone today. It feels like we're a dying breed and there's not many of us left.

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"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.—Proverbs 26:11"

I didn't know you were a Christian before you were an a-theist.

I fully disclosed all my Christian upbringing throughout all my writings in order to highlight its negative influence on me. An influence that I successfully dealt with through (primarily) Psychotherapy with Dr. Branden back in the 1970's and 1980's (I attended a half dozen or so of his "40-hour weekend Intensives" that he had back then). I think - rather, I lovingly request you to do the same. That is, reveal some of your intellectual roots other than just Objectivism, as that would help us understand you more, that is, for those of us (me) who want to do this.

You are such a good political theorist and writer and because of your strong Objectivism philosophy I understand this.

If you've already done this reveal somewhere in the history of your vast writings please provide me with the link to it/them.


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This sounds a lot like, "Rob, will you please stand and confess your sins before the congregation?" :-D

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An altar recall.

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Oh isht. You are right.

I let my Nice Guy (see full disclosure of same here in my Yes book on amazon.com) control my behavior. (A psychhological problem that lingers—albeit, only of dust bunny size.)

What I was feeling when I first read RT’s response involving his use of the King James Version of the Bible, Bible quote Proverbs 26:11 was: just a cfuk’g minute there partner, you have not earned the right to use said bible quotes to bolster your Objectivist positions (somewhere in my subconscious I knew about RT’s 12 year old claim because he had written it somewhere else before where I had read it, I just couldn’t recall it at the time, so when he said it here explicitly again, it came back to me.)

I on the other hand, Gary Dean Deering can use said bible quotes because I have earned the right to do so, but to repeat, you can’t. (PS, we both know he can but that’s not the point right now, I’m trying to articulate my feelings that I failed to listen to—which is usually a mistake and in this case—as you pointed out--it was.)

I was born and raised Missouri Synod Lutheran and succumbed to its teachings and preachings via my own 5-year-old choice in Sunday School (attendance mandatory)--to read the bible from cover to cover by the time I was 9 (that is, to start when I learned how to read), which I did. Then, I read it a second time between then and 12 years old when I was confirmed-into-the faith after two rigorous years of catechism training.

Yes, it had a biggie negative impact on me—the degree of the bigness and how I was able to sort it all out and undo it is chronicled throughout the many published writings that I have on Amazon. (Undoing my belief in God was no small feat—as evidenced by the PEW fact that 80% or more of American’s still believe in.)

Thank God for Ayn Rand (and Peikoff and Branden) whom I fully discovered a decade after my Confirmation. And then, another decade after that, I had fully absorbed their teachings into my psyche—correcting well more than 76% of the problems that that (my) 5-year-old choice had caused my life. (Don’t misunderstand, today we—me and my inner children—are BFF’s and have been for some time now.)

But what can I say, I solved all my psychhological problems and achieved a life of authentic happiness and fulfillment in spite of my religious training.

For goddam sure, not because of it.

If you want to know just how big an accomplishment this is, read Branden’s book: Honoring the Self.

It’s big, it’s grand, it’s bold and only the really, really strong can do it.

Of course it’s true, those who didn’t succumb to Religion’s wily ways in the first place – that is, to Faith’s way in the first place—and developed their entire life integrating reason & emotion at various points required along their path (PsycHHology Engineering Principle #tbd) are better off in terms of length of life being authentically happy and fulfilled.

After reading my experience you’ll maybe agree with my feeling-thought that that old Country Western song should be retitled to: Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be Faith-Filled-Religionists.

Have a nic ... oops, Nice Guy get thee behind me.

PS: Objectivism isn’t only for the Professional Objectivists, it’s for everybody to learn and use to make their own life a life of authentic happiness and fulfillment.

And with this caveat: no thing is bigger than life, this includes Objectivism.

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I was never a Christian but have been an avowed atheist since about age 12. You can thank Carl Sagan, Douglas Adams, and Monty Python for that--not necessarily for being an atheist, since I never became a theist in the first place, but for being self-aware about it.

I'll write about my intellectual roots a bit more sometime.

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PS, I came to that verse from the Psalms because I was looking for the poem where Kipling borrowed from it: https://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poem/poems_copybook.htm

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P.S.why would you feel the need to apologize for quoting millennia’s old wisdom…whether you be lie ve in The Holy Bible being The Word…or not. Thanks to be Sagan…or not

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Those dissatisfied with the outcome of the election should avoid the mistake of slandering the American people. I am well acquainted with a number of people who voted for Trump, and not one of them did so out of a preference for authoritarianism. They voted for things such as free speech, control of illegal immigration, strong national defense, an end to DEI, less oppressive government in their lives, sanity about “gender”, a return to meritocracy, and what they saw as better or at least less bad economic policies. A person can think they were wrong to prefer Trump on the issues, but he should not pretend they wanted a new Duce.

This election did not admit of a good outcome. Regardless of who would win, Trump versus Harris was a Kobayashi Maru scenario that could not be reprogrammed. However, the result we got is not the end of the world or the republic. The apocalyptic nonsense that both sides were spouting before election, and the losers still are, is wrong. The country’s culture, principles, and people are far more important and far better than its politicians and government. There will still be cakes and ale and technology driven progress, and the country and the republic will abide.

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Regardless of who won last night, I can tell you definitively who lost: The Media.

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I live in deep-blue Maryland, where I have heard Democrats this morning state that the reasons they lost included nominating Joe Biden in the first place, thus forgoing selection of a candidate at a convention, and not selecting a better VP candidate for Harrs, after belatedly christening her their candidate. Maybe the Democrats will maintain their sanity and not answer with a Leftist Trump.

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Thanks for the "Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces Party" link on X. I laughed for the first time in 24 hours. :-)

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Is support for the Forward Party or No Labels at local levels a way to avoid the leftist Trump in the future?

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Ashli Babbitt still cannot be reached for comment. To wit, that is all Kamala Harris needed to say over and over and over again during The Debate…not to mention mock him vociferously for being a know nothing vile bigot when he brought up the racist claptrap about Haitian migrants..Harris should have channeled her fellow feminist line “‘What difference does it make’…oh, wait, you are just a seventies something racist, like the Joe Biden’s of old, that made people that look like me sit in the back of the bus and told women to be barefoot and naked and like it”…but not to be unburdened by what has not been said.

On the morning after, who woulda thought that Idiocracy would destroy Veep at the ballot box office!? Especially given the gender gap! But, to wit, it got me thinking about an article about how and why so many women are attracted to Tony Soprano…and one real life Ill Douche, I mean a Il Duce wannabe Donald J Trump…Go figure, reminds me of how fing stupid fem a na ists do not get The Don’s appeal…because feminists pseudo intellectuals, epitomized by the likes of Sarah Longwell today over at the laughably called Bulwark, should just be called the Anti-The Federalist…who all retardardly (yeah I just made it up) view our our political word through a broken prism of race, gender and class…(as to why Harris lost!!) and wholly miss the fact glowing right in their stupid faces that Trumps infomercial about “they, them” literally appeals to the muddled mind of a middle of the road, so called independent voter…enough so, that even a fence sitter watching the tele would nod and say calling a man dressed like a woman “she” is bat shit crazy…let alone paying for a felon’s transition surgery with taxpayer dollars! For f sake Robert, as much as I fing hate, and forgive me Jesus, I do mean HATE D.J.T., and deplore Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley…all professing Christians that did not do what Jesus would have done and Impeach Him, IMPEACH HIM!!!

But not that you care for anything I say Robert, allow me to make like Adrian Belew, King Crimson style, and, respectfully, take apart your analysis frame by frame, paragraph by paragraph.. to maybe, just maybe, make you think a second time about what you just wrote Robert…and even better, maybe make you laugh at..

First of all, I hate the phrase “The American People”…a catch phrase ironically, though not in your invocation, is implored by dishonest politicians, often claiming a mandate. Out of every one hundred votes cast, Approximately four more people cast filled in the Trump, not Harris bubble…so, call it what you want, but when you have to think and squint to see where’s Waldo and his three friends in the crowd…well..get my drift about calling a politician with a slim majority dishonest!

As much as a despise Donald Trumps vile bigotry, like 99% of my fellow Americans, I already forgot the middle aged woman standing right next to R.F.K….never heard of her, and do not think her J.W.O. gutter talk will be part of Trump Part Duh anymore then the clown act Roger Stone thinks he will be…Trump loves Sicko fans and knows how to reciprocate fawning over fanatics…that is all

There is a way to sugar coat your prognostication’s because NONE of dark foreboding’s have even happened….There will be NO NATION WIDE BAN ON ABORTION (Donald J Trump could give a flying f if a woman has an abortion in the first…or second trimester), there will NO crackdown on pornography (I could not believe you were seriously lamenting about a literal porn star being disposed to passing any such laws) and there will be no public commentators going to jail, or whatever it was you were suggesting could happen to the likes of you by Project 25, or whatever number it is, brown shirts hiding in the alleyway. Again, seriously. Who would prosecute you. Trump is a reptile in speech everywhere he slithers, but like a gardener snake that looks just like rattlesnake…his venom is not that poisonous to send anyone to jail..although his son in law does not seem to care a wit his business partner carved up a reporter like a Christmas turkey…again, have I not said it is a shame that kid missed, Trump family values would be six thousand feet under like his former Atlantic City crackhouse. Oh, wait, I hope the FBI does not come knocking at yours and my door for chanting Hang Mike Pence. Again, I hate The Don. I HATE HIM. And there are enough guardrails, otherwise known as your fellow Americans Robert, that will not do as you fear they will follow some Dick tators every whim.

Oh, and many Latinex, I mean Latinos (has the Trump phenomenon even begun to sink in your brilliant monkey brain yet) think Truly Tastless joke books are pretty funny….especially in an Idiocracy where he is plainly making fun of people that do not agree with him…much as I revile the Trump cultist, at least Donald J Trump will nominate a SOCTUS that will instantly mock an inquisitor if asked “What is a ‘Woman’”. I cannot stand his vile bigotry, but his lack of morals and lack of common decency sometimes actually does Trump your intellectualism. I actually live in a state where the majority of middle of the road voters elected an Hispanic to Senate and a pure rich white trash shady business Orangeman for POTUS! Go figure why Robert, much that you do not care for what I am trying to impart to you

There are of course guardrails in place, for all the supposed transgressions a second megalomaniac administrations has already committed, that your dark foreboding’s already predict will come true. Not even if I said it, therefore it will come true🤪Oh, and speaking of recoiling, over my dead body will there be mass deportations. It will take a nation of millions to send them back…as in collaborators. Where are not a New Germany Robert, just as nobody will need to fear the brown shirts and close their living room blinds And, again, as much as I hate The Don, he is no authoritarian, but more like Fredo when his dad gets sacked by a bunch of hitman. And for this character flaw, the worst thing Trump may very well do is turn his back on the Ukrainian’s (for the love of God can some so called leader in the still free western world please place a billion dollar Bitcoin bounty on Putin’s head…again, did I mention how much I hate Trump for calling a mass murderer, dictator for life and war criminal “a savvy genius”)

I do not have the time to comment on what you say “the left” is, or what it is to become of “the left” post Harris debacle….I left my crystal ball at home…but, me thinks a Trump administration is going to be a wee bit more sane than you give it credit for…and leftist politics obsessing over race, gender, class, Palestine have finally been placed on the back burner to simmer in college graduate classes where they belong. But I project🤣

I completely concur with your main advice, therefore will not rant, as it is never in my nature to write about what I already agree with. I need no such affirmation as I should like to say to you Robert, respectfully, and dwell on your own advice and stop thinking we the people of the United States are going to hell and a hand basket by our own choosing. If he is a budding Dick tator me thinks one of our wannabe majesty’s secret service will make like one of Sadat’s.

I do PRAY TO END TRUMPISM as I do fear the worst, again, for Ukrainians and Taiwanese…but then again, I hate projection and am commanded not to find someone guilty for things one literally has not even committed…yet, we will shall soon find out. Gotta run on. Thanks for taking my rant An Atheist that still Reads Proverbs. Peace be with you

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Again, I thank you for reading and commenting on my comments. I stand by what I said about Longwell and her present company on The View, I mean The Bulwark, judging the American electorate with a broken prism of race, gender and focus group🤪. She is no more “conservative” then the P.O.S.P.O.T.U.S. rich white trash Trump…who, in a more just and verdant world would have been thrown out onto the great trash heap of bloody human history the night of January 6th… But we the people live in an Idiocracy where the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris and everyone I between the hallowed of Congress for the most part exemplify the worst of human kind that predators rise to the top, conversely being people that would never give the shirt of their backs because…their predators. Maybe Harris was a DIE, I mean D.E.I. hire….Do I need to quote the doddering old disgrace only job application requirements BEFORE he chose the rich …like I tell my progressive friends that bothers it not when I use the words “white trash”, there is such thing as Newtons Law…equal and opposite…I know not what her misplaced loyalty has to do with anything I said other than your affirming she is a really, really bad person, I mean candidate, to her rotten core. But, ironically k I could not disagree less about her unfair characterizations of the formerly pure white trash Biden family. All the turmoil of the 60’s at least convinced the Catholic in Claim Only slow Joe that he and his rich white trash family, and the Democrat Party , should finally do what Jesus would do and NOT judge a man by the colour of his skin…only to have our community college and ivory towers turn an American heroes dictum on its head. Like I have been saying and warning for the last four years, in print…Trumpism begot Biden and Bidenis probably will beget Trump Part Da. God help U.S. Gotta run on. Thanks for taking my rant

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Longwell doesn't see the world through the race-class-gender lens. Not sure how you came to that conclusion. Maybe Harris did or does. But that was not evident in her campaign. Her concession speech is solidly within the best American tradition.

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Thanks for your comment on my comments. To wit, I always appreciate pushback to make me think a second time. Perhaps I should go back and listen to today’s post mortem podcast at the laughably called Bulwark because you definitely did not hear what I heard…Sarah immediately describing a D.E.I. hires loss viewed perfectly through a college like social studies class describing the electorate in terms of…race, gender and class. Maybe you heard her say things differently than I, but one things for sure that was not only totally cool, but awesome, Joe Biden picked a woman…based on the color of her skin, who liked to hail she was the daughter of a “ middle class “ [college professor?] …again, please do not get me started on what an fing disgrace to our country I think the Democrat Party is relative to the GOP crasher…who won yesterday’s muddled middle of the road, determinative, swing voters because…unlike her concession speech (I remember admiring Al Bores) as bad as the megalomaniacs fittingly called “rallies”, whenever I tried listening to Kamala Harris speak it made A.O.C.D. (hat tip Nial Ferguson) sound like she is a Rhodes scholar and I ingested something funny. If only Sarah, JV and the pusi llanimous Tim Miller could have actually mused on what a god awful candidate she was…and how the Democrat Party has been taking over by a bunch of dope smoking neo international socialist of the left(I mean it when I say Donald J Trump is nothing but a bro national socialist from the right)…like say four years ago…We the People would not be in such peril with a crony capitalist pig and conman at the helm. But I ain’t even half as worried as Robert, except for Eastern Europe and Taiwan. Gotta run on. Thanks for taking my rant 🍺✌️

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I wish Harris had used your Ashli Babbitt remark.

Yes, Longwell used those terms because she is a focus group person. But she is not a collectivist, which is what I think you concluded. No, she is an older school conservative. Maybe Harris was a DEI hire as you say, which reveals a lot about Biden that he gave her an impossible border non-position knowing full well it fell to him to do something about border security. Her misplaced loyalty to him meant she would not make recommendations she knew he would not follow up upon. Harris was not a partner to Biden. Perhaps he still felt the sting of her unfair characterizations of him in the primary. But having taken her aboard, he might have acted the statesman rather than pushing her under the bus.

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Oh, and I meant to ask, I mean say, I do not know how in the hell you think I was implying Longwell is. A collectivist. She is a stereo typical modern day liberal that views the world through a broken prism…socialist, populist of the left and right do not believe in collectivism, but are true believers in taking from their enemies and awarding their compatriots by use and abuse of the force of law…didn’t I say I gotta run on. 🤪🍺✌️

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