If only you were a young entrepreneurial Objectivist intellectual, oh wait - you are, except for maybe the young part. I would love to see you pull it off, but having been an Objectivist for 27 years I know just what you are talking about. In the immortal words of Rodney King, "Why can't we just all get along?"

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To me, the most important idea you brought up was of a magazine. Being a big sports fan, I subscribe to ' The Athletic', which produces constant stories both short and long about the leagues and teams I follow. It is similar to the old 'Sports Illustrated' only far superior because the space they have to write in and the variety of subjects they can address is virtually infinite. Since I started reading it I have often wished for a similar 'magazine' devoted to my other great interest, which is philosophy - in particular Objectivist and/or Capitalist/Classical Liberal philosophy. If a collection of writers such as yourself were posting stories and editorials constantly I would probably spend more time reading it than I do 'The Athletic'. We just need some ambitious young entrepreneurial Objectivist to figure out how to make it work. Hint, hint to some of you aspiring young Objectivist intellectuals out there.

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The biggest barrier to a pan-Objectivist magazine--and believe me, because I have run one--is getting everyone to agree to work together. But my goal with Symposium is eventually to build up to what is in effect a magazine on classical liberal philosophy.

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