The "Very Fine People" President
Among many appalling moments in Tuesday night’s debate, Donald Trump repeated his Charlottesville “very fine people” technique, once again shying away from condemning white nationalists.
Challenged point-blank to condemn violent and white nationalist groups, Trump instead told them to “stand by” because “somebody’s gotta do something about Antifa and the left.”
This was immediately taken as an endorsement by leaders of the Proud Boys militia, who proclaimed it a green light to “go f— them up.” “President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA…well sir! we’re ready.” They’re already selling the T-shirts.
So everybody gets the message.
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, like many Republican politicians, is still pretending he doesn’t: “I think he misspoke, I think he should correct it.” But Scott also had the good sense to add, “If he doesn’t correct it, I guess he didn’t misspeak.”
How many times does America have to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt on this?
Read the rest at The Bulwark.