The Green Leap Forward
Five Things You Need to Read Today
1. The People Does Not Know What It Wills
I've been loosely following the odd failure of Brexit--Britain's exit from the European Union. Here's the best political cartoon summing this up, which anyone who has ever owned a cat will understand.
I am in favor of Europe having a greater degree of political and economic cooperation, which was the original idea behind the EU's forerunner, the European Economic Community. The past few decades of a Europe united, prosperous, and (largely) at peace--which is the legacy of the Fall of Communism--is a great achievement and a profound addition to the well-being of humanity. But the European Union used that as an excuse to push for an overly centralized, intrusive, and unaccountable regulatory bureaucracy, so I agreed with the British voters' decision in 2016 to get out.
So why haven't they been able to do it?
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